Happy Chap Goh Meh

In 10 hours time, the Chap Goh Meh gathering at my shop will start and will last for an hour. Initially I had planned just for my shop's facebook friends but I guess many are shy. Only a handful have confirmed that they are coming over to my shop for the gathering.

Since that's the case, I prepared just a few gifts to be given to those who confirmed that they are coming over. As for customers who happen to be at my shop during that period, they will be invited to join in our gathering.

 We used to have gathering for my staff and worker.

The main dish is KFC fried chicken and fried bihun together with nuggets, wedges and cocktail. I have lots of CNY cookies and oranges too. I just prepared the soya bean agar-agar. The drinks will be on the house too..

Can't wait to see how it will go and I'm wondering how many would actually shop at that time ie. 11am - 12pm

Happy Chap Goh Meh!


  1. I would come there if I lived a little closer!

  2. what is Chap Goh Meh by the way? is it the last day of celebration of CNY?

  3. Happy Chap Goh Meh will be there in mind and spirit...;).

  4. Your ex staff came back to work for you.. that shows how nice a boss you are, Wenn!! :) Happy Chap Goh Mei!

  5. Happy Chap Goh Meh to you too Wenn. Hopefully more people join in your shop celebration of Chap Goh Meh.

  6. Too bad that I am not staying in Ipoh. Else I will surely join in. So much food - yummy, yummy! You are so generous.

  7. ohh another celebration huh
    i googled it and it was said to be a lantern festival?
    we also have that kind of festival on one of our
    regions every christmas season they were showcasing
    giant christmas lanterns

    1. originally it's a lantern festival but now I think it's more like Valentine's day..

  8. so is there any activities gonna happen?
    or you would just eat those dishes you mentioned?

  9. well the costumers during youre party would be lucky
    to be part of that party huh
    how generous of you,

  10. anyway i so love kfc chicken and there gravy is quite good too
    hmm i guess i would be seeing how it went on your next post isnt?

  11. ooops i just noticed your new background
    are those in greece?

  12. have a great day and happy blogging wenn
    take the best of care and god bless you

  13. I will join if i am near your place, hehe...

  14. uiks what time was the party? Was in Ipoh yestreday. But arrive late...ariound 4pm baru sampai :p

    1. Shy? Hmm i see some very sporting people there wor

    2. wow got gifts some more...what a wonderful idea

    3. opsie...my four eye...just saw the time...that time me still in KL :p

    4. oh, you were in Ipoh? you should hv called me..

  15. wow great!! you are having the Chap Goh Meh celebration in your shop and inviting your customers!! cool~~

    1. if i were in Ipoh, i will definitely drop by to join the celebration.. it must be lots of fun!!

    2. is that Lim in the photo?? the staff are already having fun, i think with the regular customers joining it, the party is gonna be even more fun!!

    3. i think it's really fun to have a small party during work when everyone can take the opportunity to wind down and get close to each other.. :)

    4. but it's not easy as some customers are not the regular ones..

  16. look at that long list of food!! haha, very typical malaysian party food huh.. how i miss that!!

    1. have been eating too much chinese style food in restaurants during the CNY.. so i'm kind of hoping for some western one for a little change, haha!!

    2. oh, did you also sponsor some mandarin oranges for the young people to throw into the river or lake nearby?? haha~~

    3. unlimited supply of drinks from the shop?? can we also go to the ice cream fridge to take our ice cream?? for example, Magnum Strawberry?? haha~~

    4. well, the boss only gave them some bottles of mineral water..

  17. I told my sister a day after your gathering. I should have asked her to drop by your shop by then. Hehehehe!

    1. If I were to be at Ipoh, I would sure go, Wenn. I love gathering like this. Hehehehe!

    2. My sis called the minute she reached home. She said, Wenn is indeed a very nice lady.

    3. yea, you should have asked your sister to come for the gathering..


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