
Recently I was totally into WhatsApp chatting. Started with my family where we get updates from each other. Then with my siblings. But I was not totally involved.

Since I created my very first WhatsApp named @ChangJiang, I am very committed. I have included those who are considered closed customers/friends.

Then as I don't have all the phone numbers of my schoolmates, I suggested to my close friend to create it. She has all the phone numbers. It was created @Convent and we were totally committed. Imagine receiving hundreds of comments everyday after my work.

Not long ago, a friend included me @MPSK which was my college.

Guess it's now the trend where it's so easy to get in touch. Previously, after work, I would spend most of my time updating my blogs. But presently, I need to update my chats with my three active groups. By the time we say goodnight, I hardly have the time to update my blogs. 

Furthermore, I have my online shopping to handle ie Melaleuca whereby I put all my kids as customers too. So I am rather busy with my new hobby and I have almost neglected my blogs. Anyway, I will try my best.


  1. I don't join too many groups in whatsapp because there will be too many notifications.. But I join family and schoolmates group la.. Easier to receive updates..

  2. Yah, we use whatsapp to keep the update, but I still have a friend who refused to have a whatsapp account...no matter how her friends and I persuading her, she still doesn't want to lo!

  3. I used to like watsap but after getting too many watsap groups, I started to feel annoyed and irritated by the nonsense chats of my school mates who thought they are still kids. They still fool around with pub promoters and shared all the shameless photos in watsaps, Adoi....

  4. You hv so many whatapps group ya. I can't handle so many. The most is 1-2 groups only.

    My ex colleague added me to a group. It was silent like a morgue there. I left.

  5. Wow! You are busy like a bee now. I used whatsapp too. Have few groups; family, cousins and old colleague groups. It is very convenient to use whatapps. Have voice recording too.

  6. yeah Whatsapp is indeed a very convenient channel to keep in touch and communicate.. I guess it's now the most common apps that every device has got it installed huh?? but one thing is I try not to get into too many group chats, sometimes the number of messages can be too overwhelming till you might find it irritating..

    p/s: I hate it when one keep sending short sentences and create so many unnecessary notifications.. can they just type everything into one message before sending?? the apps supports line-feed and you can always type "enter" instead of send..

  7. I prefer seeing face to face than chatting in whatsapp...

  8. Haha ...We even use whatapps in work especially for short term projects updates.

  9. Sharon and I always Whatsapp-ing each other..

  10. Really a busy day work/pleasure for you, Wenn! No time to stress... haahahaa... I also whatsapp with my kids each day.. then facetime with them at night so that can see their faces.. other than that, I don't have groups... just one to one chats.. group chats can be interesting if we know one another.. why not create a blogger chat? But not everyone has whatsapp... :)

  11. Good to keep in touch. :)

    Though sadly, I noticed some of my friends used this opportunity to sell things instead of keeping in touch sincerely. :(

    1. Haha, cannot blame them one la, no one said we cant use whatsapp to sell things right? ;)

  12. I use whatsapp regularly too, I love the 'last seen' feature ;)

  13. Very convenient can send pixz, plan, attachment etc instantly to seal a deal.

  14. We have too many "distractions" huh. :D

  15. Then again it is good to catch up with friends again, isn't it? :)

  16. I have 2 group chats in my whatsapp

  17. Hello Wenn,

    Good that you are keeping in touch with all your friends and customers via whatsapp. Do remember to spare some time to write a post here now and then. Be seeing you here!

  18. I join only certaon group of whatsapp. Too many notifications can be annoying.


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