Are you ready for GST? As for us, we are more than ready. We had bought the above cash register, not one but three. My cashiers have already got accustomed to it. But it has yet to be implemented. At the left side of the machine, there is a slot for a memory card whereby every transaction will be recorded. Waiting for 1 April to come. On that day, our agent will come and show us what actually happens when the memory card is intact. By the way, we don't use any software. The cash register is GST compliant whereby the keys are categorised into taxable and non-taxable. We categorised our items into groups such as HOUSEHOLD for household items, CANNED/BOTTLED food, CHINESE HERBS, SWEET/CHOC, FROZEN FOOD etc. The non-rated items are keyed on the right side of the key board such as RICE, EGGS, SUGAR, SALT, COOKING OIL, INFANT MILK, BREAD, FLOUR, MEDICINE, GROCERIES, and BIHUN. Under GROCERIES, certain items are not taxable such as BABA's and our self packed stu...