6th blogoversary

I used to keep track of my blog every year. But this year, I missed out. My blog, Experiences turned 6 on the 4th August 2015. I was busy chatting about our preparation for the Cameron trip with my school mates that I totally forgotten about my blog turning 6.

Only when I read TM's blog this morning that I recalled my blog's anniversary. Anyway, it's not too late to celebrate. It's still in the month of August.

Anyway, no actual celebration. I will just be myself and be happy in whatever I do. I will make sure that I keep my blog, Experiences going. Unfortunately, I may have neglected my other blogs.

Through blogging, I have made some friends. The very first blogger friend I met..none other than Claire. Since then we met uncountable times as we are from the same town. Then I met TM, SK and SP. Surprisingly, Small Kucing came to my shop. It was a good surprise. Then I went to Taiping and met Hayley and Angeline. Tried to meet Yan but was not successful.

I even tried to meet Sharon in Singapore but was separated by a piece of glass at the airport. Once I was in NZ and I was hoping to meet Ann but she was too occupied on that night.

I met Sheta at the Curve but missed meeting Mun. Once Lina was on her way to Taiping and she wanted to drop by but unfortunately, I was on my way to KLIA.

My most recent meet was with TM. It was just a short brief meeting as he wanted to hand over his 5 sen coins (we desperately needed the coins since gst being implemented) to me. At that time, my girl and I were waiting to hop into the ETS.

Great that I had met some of you. Well, hoping to meet the others but time is really constrain. Anyway, if there's a will, there's a way.

Happy Blogoversary to Experiences.


  1. Happy 6th anniversary, Wenn. Hope to meet you some day.

  2. Happy 6th Bloggoversary to Experiences!! haha, I guess you better set an reminder in your phone to repeat it yearly so you'd never miss this date.. :p

    have you ever thought you can go so far, I never had and yet it's coming to a decade since i started to blog in 2006..

    and you are true, it's a platform to share and to learn, and also make friends, though I would say make enemies too?? or rather some bloggers make us their enemies which we didn't intend to.. well, live moves on.. keep up the good work and more 6 years to come!! :)

    1. Thanks. Never thought that it could last this long..

  3. Replies
    1. Hope to meet you but not at the airport again.

  4. You have been a WENNderful blogger and that's your signature name. You always blog about topics that no one else had done as we all come from different walks of life. You have been so transparent to share about your family, friends, business and travels in different perspectives. I am sure everyone is proud to be your friend now.

    1. Thanks for the compliment. I'm proud to be your friend too.

  5. I am still slowly collecting the 5 cents coins and would take this excuse to meet you again. Wakakakaka

  6. well done ! hope to meet up with you too when i am back in ipoh.

  7. Happy 6th Blogoversary dearie.. Yes, all sweet and nice friends here.. TM is so sweet to hand you those 5 sen coins, haha..

  8. Yea, I remember you paid a visit to me and Aden once, nice meeting you.

    Happy blogoversary by the way!

  9. Happy 6th anniversary, Wenn! May there be many, many more to come!

  10. Happy belated 6th anniversary. Ha :D

  11. Happy blog anniversary Wenn

    Lovely meeting you too. ☺

    1. Thanks. Nice meeting you too. Hope to see you again.

  12. Wah so nice of TM. Hmmm you need 5 sens coinsbya...will save those next time

    1. Yes, he was so concerned. Ok, save for me then.

  13. Happy Blogoversary to your blog Wenn :)

  14. Happy blog anniversary, Wenn. Wow, six years!

  15. Happy Blogging, Wenn!!! More and more years to come!! Yes, it is great knowing you... both of us from same town but separated by some kilometers... now I have retired, I still do go First Garden on and off.. wanna eat that fish noodles near your shop and also to meet up with my old buddies! Hope we can catch up one day too.. wait till you are more "free!"


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