Sikh Temple/Punjabi Culture

Since it was the Sultan of Perak's birthday, I had decided to visit the royal town in Kuala Kangsar. Two of my good friends went along with me. I drove them to my Punjabi friend's aunty's place in Kuala Kangsar. Aunty made us the mango drinks which indeed quenched our thirst. I was amazed by the Punjabi bed. It's made of weaved plastic and ropes too. Since the auspicious day coincided with the birthday of the Sikh Guru, we were taken to the Sikh temple nearby. I was glad to be in such a religious and clean place. We were needed to be on barefoot and cladded with a head scarf. it's a first time experience for both my Chinese friend and myself. After the prayer with the chanting from the priest sitting in front, we were given a sweet dessert which I must receive it with both palms. Of course, we had to eat it. We adjourned to the dining hall and had our breakfast. The Punjabi tea was totally different from our usual tea. Since we had ...