A big fat ang pow

Yesterday I prepared my staff and workers ang pow. Ready to give and take pictures of the lucky recipients..

the amount varies accordingly..

Lim left us and worked in KL for just a month. He came back with better prospect.

He's the only guy who was sporting enough to give the boss a big hug and a fat kiss.

Initially, I didn't thought of anything. I just gave them the ang pow and asked them to sign the voucher. The boss asked me if they had wished me "Gong Xi Fa Cai". I said, "No, probably they will say the next day before the shop closes for the new year."

The boss said it's a courtesy to say something. So I told all my people to say something to the boss and hug him. Well, of course the girls/ladies wouldn't do that. So I challenged Lim to do it and he DID it! You can have a look at our personal facebook here.

Gong Xi Fa Cai to all my staff and part-time workers!


  1. Haha, Lim is so sporting and the boss is so sporting too to accept his kiss and let you put the photo online. Gong Xi Fa Cai to you! May the year of the snake bring you lots of happiness, good health and prosperity.

  2. What time will your shop close tomorrow?

  3. Will you be cooking the Chinese New Year Eve dinner?

    1. definitely, lunch and dinner too..

    2. May you cook a very delicious lunch and dinner! And the whole family eat with happiness. :D

    3. hopefully..I will do my best!

  4. Courtesy to say something auspicious apart from thank you when they receive the angpow is it? I trust that they did say thank you when you gave them the angpows.

    1. yes, at least a thank you. Some of them didn't bother to open their mouth..

  5. Gong Xi Fa Cai to you and your family. (Spelled it wrong the first time)!

  6. Wow! So big and deep kiss wor..!! You no jealous kah?

    My wife would have slapped him left and right. Wakakaka

  7. Hahaha, the kissing picture is so funny~~

    1. Here wishing you and family a great year of snake!
      Gong hei fatt choy~

  8. Very sporting of LIM!! Hope he got a BIG FAT Angpow!! hahahaa..

  9. well chinese new year was sure an ang pow day
    for all of you huh,
    I guess it was a tradition to your country huh
    well ours we does ang pow giving during christmas
    tho it wasn't necessary has to be on ang pows

  10. I just wonder how much each ang pow has
    haha i differs on the performance? or the
    span time of wroking?

    1. depends on the span of working time for the staff whereas it depends on the performance for the part-time workers..

  11. I thought all ang pows were red
    cause all ang pows ive seen here was
    but then there were this yellow one
    which i think was cool too

  12. Kl seems pretty happy having his ang pow huh
    i love that smile on his face

    1. and that kiss shot was kinda funny,
      and i can understand why girls aren't allowed haha

    2. everyone is happy to receive their ang pow..

  13. i googled some greeting including that Gong Xi Fa Cai was a malayasian translation of happy new year
    while gong hei fat choi was chinese translation of it?
    is it right?

    1. well what ever it is i think its proper to greet you
      gong hei fat choi and Gong Xi Fa Cai as well

    2. kong hei fatt choi is cantonese dialect whereas gong xi fa cai is mandarin language..

  14. have a great day and happy blogging wenn
    take the best of care and happy blogging too

  15. wow, lim came back to work for you again?? that's great huh?? :)

  16. yeah, you should ask you staff to say some auspicious wishes before handling the angpow to them, hehe!! :D

    1. well, will do that next ear..

    2. Whether we are given with any angpow, we should also say auspicious greetings to ohter on CNY.

    3. yea, it's proper to say some auspicious words..

  17. lim hugged and kissed the boss!! first time seeing him smile, haha!! I think the taukesoh should also do that to the boss, he will be laughing more happily.. :p

  18. It is always a good gesture to give staff angpow for the new year. My boss hardly gave us any.

  19. I always educated my girls to say auspicious greetings to everyone during CNY. The more we say, the more blesses we get.

    1. Lim is back for good now. Good for the boss and the shop.

    2. it's good to educate them from young..


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