
At ChangJiang, I gave away raya packets to my Muslim customers. They were rather sporting as they allowed me to take their pictures and posted at Changjiang facebook. This family is our regular customer and we alway talk to them. I was asking them what they were going to prepare for Hari Raya. They told me that they were going to have lemang and rendang. Jokingly I told them not to forget me as I love to eat lemang and rendang. Sure enough, they came on the first day of raya in the evening. They gave me lemang and rendang! I was so happy for their kindness. I thanked them profusely.. This lady customer who is also my neighbor came to me when I reached home in the evening yesterday. She told me she was too occupied to bring me some laksa. She insisted that I should go over to her place right away. So I quickly had my bath and walked over to her place. She was so happy. I was served laksa which is my favorite but I just had a small helping as I needed to rush back t...