Ready to embrace GST

Finally the 3 new Casio cash register machines arrived. They are meant for GST which is going to be implemented in April 1. We had registered for GST last year and were not sure of which cash register machines to purchase. But recently the boss with his Accountant had searched for a practical cash register machine to be utilised. 

They had decided on using the simplest one whereby no computer software is needed.

So here comes the new cash register machines. They are so easy to use. At the moment, we try to get acquainted to the groups of items that are either taxable or non-taxable.

GST format will only be started on 1 April.
The yellow section is meant for non-taxable items.

View of the middle cash register machine.

Glad everything went well today with the new machine.
The next hurdle will be on 1 April.


  1. i am still very unclear about this GST thing, and i also know some experts in the field may not know 100% inside-out of this GST implementation too, because they commented that many things are still not yet clear and in the gray area.. well, at least you have this new machine and the stickers to get you all prepared.. good start.. :)

  2. Learning something new is good for everyone!

  3. I'm not very clear on gst but the company is having a lot of meeting and tele conferencing with the audit and accounting people.. The system's gonna be messy I can foresee..

  4. Good choice on the simple machine. The more computerised the cashier machine , the more it prone to crashing.

  5. Seems like you are more free lately to blog ya? Good good!
    GST is coming, huhu!

  6. No software means there will be a lot of manual calculation later for the GST submission monthly? Good to see that you are ready for GST.

  7. The yellow ''PAID' sticker is it for those who bring recycle bag one??

  8. The govt is broke and poor, hence the GST comes into action. Hope you will have no problem with your new sophisticated Cash Register!

    Put auspicious items on and inside the cash register as advised by Feng Shui gurus. I believe it will bring more money!

  9. May i know how much is this machine and which supplier is it ?



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