Goodbye RealRewards

It has been ages since I signed up for RealRewards. I had received emails from them before but I couldn't get in as I forgot my password. Wanted to call them but I kept on procrastinating. Yesterday, I was browsing through my old cards and I found my VIP RealReward card. I went to the website and hoping to get my password right. Tried a few times and I gave up. But I call the customer service. I was told to wait for her call but she didn't call at all. This morning, I called the customer service again. This lady was more efficient. She checked my card number and ic number. I was told that my record was not in the system. How come? I had not been using it for more than two years and so my record was gone for good! I won't sign up for it anymore. Found this sole letter dated 2004 when they sent me my VIP card. All along, I thought that the points never expired. My very big mistake!