Ensure my health

An Ensure promoter will occasionally promote this milk powder at our shop. Whenever she is here, she will certainly let me have a small cup of the ready mixed milk.

Well, I don't quite like to drink milk but this milk really managed to charm me. I sort of like to drink it now.

This promoter has been here for quite a number of times already but this time, she gave me this cute pillow..

Ensure with FOS

I was so touched as she said, "Don't forget my heart!" I won't forget her even if she doesn't come again to our shop..

She talked to our customers about the benefits of drinking milk powder. I heard so much that so much so I got myself a small can. I will start drinking Ensure for sure to ensure my good health..


  1. oh.. I am not a fan of milk.. During those 'period' of the need to drink milk, I mix them with Milo or Chocolate Powder.. just resisting the 'milky' smell of milk powder..

  2. My mother used to drink these when she was sick. Yeah,.this milk is really nutritious. :D

  3. I have no problem with milk . Only problem is always forget to drink..more like lazy :P

  4. I don't drink milk,but may consider to drink for the sake of my good health.

  5. Good source of Calcium. I think for women, you need to drink milk for the bone. My MIL has 3 of her vertebrates collapsed.

  6. cute cushion pillow, haha.. yeah, formulated milk powder is actually good.. :)

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  8. I am an Ensure drinker but i must agree that the price skyrocketed about 10 % less than two months, two months ago i bought it about 56 now it is about 62 already..... how lah like that,, may be will have to stop drinking it already,, cos three of us in the household are drinking it,, me,my lovely wife and Jovial....

  9. I prefer fresh milk over powder. Pasteurised one.

  10. OH, my relatives are big fans of Ensure. Many of my cousins hv grown up big and strong drinking ensure rofl!

  11. I used to drink Ensure but not now anymore. Very nutritious!

  12. Thanks for this wonderful post.Admiring the time and effort you put into your blog and detailed information you offer.


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