Jesselton Point

Formerly known as the Kota Kinabalu Ferry Terminal, Jesselton Point Waterfront has become one of the main city attractions in Kota Kinabalu ever since its privatization in February 2006.

Situated north of downtown Kota Kinabalu, this quaintly scenic place has an unmistakable historical feel to it—complete with olden days snapshots of Kota Kinabalu city (Jesselton) and vintage red English phone booths. Jesselton Point Waterfront serves as the only ferry terminal for Labuan-bound passengers as well as the main (and cheapest) boat terminal for the Tunku Abdul Rahman Marine Park and Gayana Island.

the grand entrance

While waiting for our tour guide to buy us the boat tickets..

we looked around the small stalls.

lovely views

It's time..

to board the boat.

Mum and girl were eagerly waiting for the fun boat ride..

to Sapi Island!


  1. Nothing much there when I took a ferry to Pulau Gaya...but the ferry trip was awesome! Enjoyed that.

  2. Not sure if this was the place I took a ferry to Labuan in 1995? The terminal looked so different, grand and huge now.

  3. Wow at the scenery, looks like you were in Europe!

  4. And I thought you were in a foreign country just now. :p What a fancy name. Why did they change it to this name?

  5. hey, that's a very nice place.. :)

  6. never been to the east..hope to visit them one of the day.....


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