What do you think?

There was once my husband took me for a night out and we had a light supper at a coffee house of a hotel. We enjoyed our moment together while listening to the live band.

As the night was getting late, we decided to take our last sip of our drinks and go home. We got up and walked out from the coffee house.

When we reached home, we were already tired. We went to bed straight away.

The next day we woke up late as it was Sunday. Then we went out for lunch. Suddenly, my husband asked:

Did I pay for the drinks last night?

I was speechless..

Oh my goodness..

We didn't pay the bill..

Did we go back to the coffee house and pay the bill?
What do you think?


  1. haha!! first time hear such silly experience.. well, if i were you, i won't purposely go back to pay, just save the hassle.. :p

  2. the poor waiter/waitress must be stranded in misery when u disappeared without paying the bill.

  3. Ha ha, sometimes...we just forget to do things.....innocent mistake! LOL!

  4. Of course! You will feel so much better.
    Ha, ha, you all must have been really tired.

  5. I think you did!
    I have been a server. In one case, where the people walked out (intentionally), I was responsible for payment of the bill, which was considerable because it was a fine restaurant.

  6. I think you went back and paid the bill. Are you going to reveal the answer soon? :P

  7. Yes, your hubby returned next day and paid. Lee.

  8. Wenn: I would bet on you returning and paying the bill.

  9. LOL!
    I guess you two are the regular guests there..so I believe that you must return and pay.

  10. Or you called first and would pay at the next visit.

  11. I say YES because the waitress probably had to make up the difference and she is probably not paid well. Besides, it's the right thing to do. ;-)

  12. I am guessing that you paid the bill, either by calling the restaurant and paying by card over the phone or going back in person. This sounds like something that could happen to anyone, one person might think the other had settled the bill and vice versa!

  13. We've done that. And the staff have been very grateful when we went back to pay. Otherwise it gets taken off their wages - and they earn practically nothing as it is!

  14. i was going to say NOOOO until i read comment from katztales...ok lar i think better pay lar...kesian those ppl working there

  15. I would go back and pay though as the employees there might be blamed and face salary deduction.

  16. Hahaha this is so funny opss! sorry wenn. Anyway, yes i think u should (*_*).

  17. Haha. Nice to have free tea. Look from a management side, the workers there didn't do their job right. They shouldn't let you walk out without paying. Not your fault. Sometimes people tends to forget things.

  18. Somemore can remember next day, not bad already :P

  19. Think your hubby fax the cheque over next morning haha. You and hubby nice people..got a feeling will pay. :P

  20. hahaha

    i think you pay the money for next time visit.

  21. I hope you did went back and paid the bill . Didn't the server stopped you when you leave?

  22. Oddly enough, no body chased after you both to pay the bill when you both walked out.

    It is hard being a server, I was one myself before... and have to fork out the table we serve if we fail to get the payment. Of course, doesn't happen a lot. :).

    I am sure you went back and pay. You're that kind of person.

  23. I also have such silly experience. In some shops we pay before we eat. In other we pay after the meal. Sometimes it is confusing.

  24. LOL.. A "classic" case of Blur-blur.. It happened sometimes...WHat does your conscience tell you :-)?

  25. It wuz unintentional, so please do not be harsh on yourselves. ^_^ I did that once too, but it wuz a famous hawker stall.

  26. Since it was done purposely I guess it is ok. :D Hmm...so you did pay it?

  27. If they dont bother, why bother hahahahah.

  28. wow u guys can go out from the hotel's cafe even without paying the drinks? They must be sleeping all the while... I guess I won't go back purposely & pay

  29. If it's nearby, I'll go and pay... If it's out of the way, I'll pay when it's our next visit! Haha

  30. Oooops!

    For some strange reason my computer takes such a long time to load your blog.

  31. lol, may be they already posted your photo at the door saying you are not welcomed. CCTV every where that Big Brother is watching.

    After work, I shop at my local butcher chain, and posted at the two were these notices.
    Some even have the car and registration number.

    So Malu!!!

  32. maybe staff also tired like you and didn't notice that time. Otherwise, they may run after you!

    If you return, maybe you can look up for the staff who waited on you.
    Anyway, it isn't like you did it on purpose.

  33. strange..the waiter didn't run after us..we were actually walking slowly to our car which was parked quite a distance away..

    of course, we didn't do it on purpose..otherwise, we would feel guilty..

    well, my husband said he would pay back when he's free so I forgot all about it until recently when I recalled it..

    So, I asked my husband and he said..

  34. Wenn, surely he had payed the bill, hadn't he? :-)

  35. When he is free o_o; Why not go back and pay the next day when he remembered? Alamak ._.

  36. regard
    sorry boss know nie udah sassy
    play to this blog
    I again just want to learn more on blogging so please help her so do not forget to come back ya know good luck greeting for you
    I put Replay on my list, and will check out some of the other books you listed.

  37. regard
    sorry boss know nie udah sassy
    play to this blog
    I again just want to learn more on blogging so please help her so do not forget to come back ya know good luck greeting for you

  38. wah, got suspense some more..to be continued..:-D

    Actually i forgot few times when went for exercise but luckily the boss at the restaurant i frequent, already recognised me..So can pay the next day lah....

  39. haha.. im sure you guys wen back & paid the bill :)

  40. Yes, I have faced the similar incident before. Furthermore, I am a regular customer of the restaurant. I walked back to the restaurant and pay my bill. And guess what the waitress told me," bu yong jin jang" (she said not to worry about the bills..):-)


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