
Today I cooked a balanced meal for lunch.

1. mixed vegetables

blanched them

garnished them

2. Chinese sausages (lap cheong)

steamed them

3. steamed fish

our all-time favorite dish

We wanted to go for a movie at Jusco but it was so packed so we ended up buying a few DVDs and two recipe books. Then we stopped by Black Canyon Coffee. I had iced blended mocha coffee. I was influenced by Tekkaus who mentioned about white coffee this morning.

Later, before we left, I bought some sushi for my son who didn't go with us.

I was supposed to cook for dinner but fortunately, my husband announced that he had booked a place for dinner. We waited one whole hour at the restaurant before our food came. Our stomachs were already growling...

Only one specialty here that was the steamed prawns.

Very fleshy and delicious!

I love prawns very much!


  1. wow.. one hour also worth waiting la.. the prawns looked so good..

  2. it's normal la to wait for an hour for food during CNY. Everybody is eating out. Like Claire said the prawn do look delicious

  3. I was craving for shrimp yesterday. Your meal looks so good.

  4. Mixed veggies are great, esp. when steamed prawns and sausages are served!

  5. I want to eat lap cheong. Hahaha :D It's been awhile since I have any.

  6. Please tell me when I can come to eat...
    Servus and have a nice day

  7. Me too heheh, love the steamed prawns. Yummy (^_^).

  8. I love, love balanced meals!
    That looks yummy!!

  9. wat did u garnish the vege with? fish cakes?

  10. whole day filled with good food!!

    The sushi rolls look good....

  11. From mys side of the Pacific to yours:I wish you prawns!

    Aloha, Friend

    Comfort Spiral

  12. yeah, it's good to eat more healthily now after stuffing so many junks during CNY~~ :p

  13. whoa.....
    look at all tht fooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ~ innocentia nihil probat

  14. Good healthy green vege -wholesome meal for family - coincidentally my favorite at Star bucks now is Blended mocha

  15. I adore prawns also, also in Tacos, a California specialty.

  16. Your lunch looked very delicious. I do love to go out to eat dinner whenever I can.

  17. Whoa nice home cooked CNY food love the veg yeah very balanced. tQ

  18. Yum yum! I love the steamed lap cheong, my boys love it too!

  19. Wow! So much good food! I'm feeling hungry now! : )

  20. Hi Wenn,

    such a pretty and delicious spread. If I knew, i would invite myself.

    I am ashame I did not cook anything for CNY..

    Only Sam and I were home, the rest were overseas.

    I asked Sam, and he prefered pizza.

  21. War...I am honoured that I can influence you. LOL :D

  22. It sure took some time to cook the dishes but worthwhile as they were finished.

  23. I love seafood so yr stemed fish and the steamed prawns look really appetising to me :)

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