
My girl has protruded front teeth and she was very conscious of the condition. So I had no choice but to bring her to see my dentist. On the first visit, the dentist checked her teeth. I was asked to take her for an x-ray. After that, the dentist analysed the x-ray and suggested that braces should be very suitable for her.

It has been 5 months already and this is how her teeth look like as now. Initially, she has difficulty in chewing and biting. After a week or so, she got used to it already.

The treatment is done every month whereby the dentist has to monitor her condition. She got to experience different colors of elastics which are being used on her braces.

It will take about 2 years or so to finish the treatment. But it's not cheap too..


  1. in the end a nice sets of teeth is worth every sens :)

  2. SMILE....haha understand it would not be permanent even after two years..really?

  3. yeah, dental treatment is one of the most expensive treatment.. why not get your girl to pursue dentistry?? hehe~~ :p

  4. My girl did that too in form 2.. she look different yes.. pay to look good, right? hahaha..


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