Shoplifter's Technique

We had witnessed quite a number of shoplifting through our cctv.

Let's watch this video clip.

The story:

It was early in the morning. No customer yet except this old man. He grabbed an item and stuffed it underneath his shirt.

Well, not a lucky day for this shoplifter. My husband was passing by and he saw this suspicious man. Without hesitation, he grabbed the long stick and threatened to hit him.

Of course he denied and he quickly put it back on the shelf..

Never seen him again.


  1. that also can... how to overcome this..

  2. Geee...can't they just live a decent life?

  3. guess maybe you have to invest on on alarm system to detect shoplifting huh??

  4. willie. guess it's already their habit.

  5. SK, that would be the best but we need to implement the scan system first.

  6. Well,i think shoplifting is a habit, sometimes we just can't tell the potential shoplifters,they can appear to look otherwise

    mmmmmmmm, what can i say,old habits die hard,

  7. eugne, true, we can't spot a shoplifter until we catch them red-handed.

  8. My goodness, glad it didn't turn into a violent scene.

  9. Oh my... luckily he was not arm with weapon.

  10. Even with cctv, it's hard to catch a shoplifter on the spot unless ur eyes r glued to the screen.


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