ABC soup

ABC soup is our favorite soup. When my kids were young, I used to boil this kind of soup which is considered very nutritious. Furthermore, it's easier for kids to take their meals with soup.

My girl loves ABC soup. So I prepared it yesterday morning. It's very simple but delicious.

Got ready the ingredients:
tomato, potatoes and carrot

chicken wings too

cut the items into pieces

Boiled them in a pot for about an hour under moderate fire

Ready to serve after I had added some soya sauce into it.

This time, I boiled more so there was leftover when I came back from work. 
I heated up the soup and poured the kueh teow into it.
It was yummy!


  1. Good morning Wenn, (just after midnight)

    My spouse like to drink soup and this is the easiest soup that I can make for him. Sometimes I put cabbage in the soup too.

  2. I always boil a huge pot and drink it for many days. Sometimes we don't put any meat in it and make it a vege only soup.

  3. Your daughter must be very happy now to live at home and be able to drink this nutritious ABC soup.

    Good night Wenn. Sleep well!

  4. Do you season it with anything else? I am trying to figure out how my mom made it so tasty, but you know, I was too busy doing everything else to pay attention to what she had thrown into the pot. Looks amazing and I can only imagine how tasty it would be over hot steaming rice

  5. I love this soup!!! This is the easiest soup to cook!!! =]

  6. I love abc soup too . Me weird punya..ususlly drink soup n leave the liu

    1. Another soup that I love is salted vegr soup. Same ingredients add salteed vege and onion. Ho yum

  7. well with those ingredients i could tell
    it sure is healthy! and it looks yummy too

  8. and it was also a easy recipe huh!
    i'll consider cooking that one of this day

  9. I think dishes are healthier when it's colorless
    haha i mean those colorful ones were those
    fatty and oily dishes right?

  10. since i love potato and chicken,
    i will surely love this dish!
    it was a nice dish to have when your energy is down

  11. have a great day and happy blogging wenn
    take care always and god bless

  12. Have not try with chicken, i put pork rib...

  13. I love this soup, used to cook a lot when I was studying, simple and yummy!

  14. hey Wenn..I love ABC too.. i put in big onions as well.. and my SIL put in tai tau choy to make it sweet too. :)

  15. yes, this is indeed a very simple yet delicious soup, i like it too!! and even i can cook this soup when i was studying abroad, haha!!

  16. BTW, have you any idea why it is called ABC soup?? the letters has nothing to do with the names of the veggie at all right?? hahaha.. and oh, i think i used onions in the soup too.. :)

    1. SK Thambee dei, It is called ABC which means APA BOLEH CAMPUR soup lah dei.

  17. I also love the ABC soup sold in shops as they tend to add lots of ingredients to make the soup heavenly. I sorted out their servings and went home to copy. It was a disaster for me!

    1. I added big onions, celery, chicken stock and a bit corn flour inside. I think someone shared this restaurant's secret with me but I didn't know the amount.

  18. My wife teased me that if I could do it so well, i could open my own soup shop.

  19. What an innovative lady to add Koay Teow inside! You made a ABC Koay Teow Soup instead.


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