Tea Bags

I received lots of tea bags as gifts but personally I don't take much tea. So you can imagine that most of my tea bags have expired. But I don't throw them away. I keep them for other usage. One of them is to use them to clean my water bottles. The tea will get rid of the odour in the bottle.

 I will soak a tea bag in my water bottle filled with plain water overnight.

The next morning, I will rinse it.

Recently, one of my suppliers gave me lots of tea-bags and I know I won't be able to finish them. So I have given them as gifts. If you like tea bags, just let me know and I will send to you.


  1. Hello Wenn.

    I also seldom drink tea. Wouldn't the tea stain your water bottle?

    Good night! Sleep well.

    1. No, it won't. In fact, your water bottle is cleansed!

    2. But the tea also stain my porcelain tea pot (my spouse drinks the tea, not me). I wonder why.

  2. This is interesting to know that overnight tea could clean water bottles! This is something new to me...

    1. yes, I learned from a friend recently and it really works..

  3. I often hear that drinking hot Chinese tea after meals could cleanse the fat from our tummy. This may be very logic now that it could clean the smell from bottles by getting rid of the invisible dirt.

    1. indeed tea is a good detoxification item and it can get rid of water retention too..

  4. I would welcome if you have too many coffee sachets. I am a chronic coffee addict.

    1. ok, I will bear that in mind..

    2. me too..prefer coffee..I am looking for the new Kopiko L.A. coffee..but have not seen any at the supermarket where I usually shop.

  5. I always drink tea, but I'll soak the tea bag in the morning and drink it in the evening!!! =]

  6. Thanks for sharing the tips about the water bottle..

  7. I didn't know about that.

    Yes I do drink tea..especially Chinese tea

  8. Oww..I can see the expired Sabah Tea..:(

    1. I just thrown away some expired tea bags a few days ago..didn't know it can chase away adour in the bottle..

    2. Don't throw them..can use them for other purposes..

  9. hmmm, this is interesting.. i have been finding ways to clean the tea stain on my mug, and you are using tea bags to clean your bottle.. haha!! :p

  10. Replies
    1. Tea is good you know, can wash away our body fats, hehe~ I also have a lot of tea bags at home =)

    2. actually tea can get rid of water retention which cause obese..

  11. Even as a tea drinker, I have problems running through all the tea bags and loose tea leaves. So I incorporate them in recipes, use the bags for my eyes, and even use the leaves to fertilise the plants:D

  12. I love tea too, they are my substitute to plain water.


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