To keep or to share

On behalf of a company, my shop organised the promotion. Customers were needed to buy a certain product of a certain amount to be entitled an entry to a lucky draw.

My cashiers were very obliging and we went full gear. Finally it was time to make a draw for the lucky winners. We got the winners and I had to phone them.

The next day, the winners came on time and the representative of the company was punctual too. We were happy to present the gift to them. I was especially happy for one of them. Why? Because she was a teacher who takes ration for her school every month. She always comes with another teacher.

OK, she received the gift and I expected her to take the gift back to her school. But no! She kept it to herself.

Surely, a question came into your mind. How did I know? 

Well, I was in the shop this morning. Luckily I was there as I usually don't work on Sundays. But today I had to because the boss had a meeting.

The other teacher came to hand me the cheque for her school ration. Casually I asked, " Received the gift?" She said, "No." I was surprised. She was unhappy too as the other teacher decided to keep the gift for herself. But she didn't say a word.

I was angered. I decided to give her a piece of my mind but in a gentle way. I wrote in a piece of paper and asked the teacher to pass it to her. I wrote.."Congratulations! Please share the gift with the school as it was the school that bought the items. Thank-you."

I actually asked the teacher to tell her herself but she was afraid to do so. 

If you were the teacher who had received the gift, what would you do?

a. keep the gift to yourself?
b. give the gift to the school?
c. share the gift with the other teacher?
d. distribute to the students?


  1. Of course I would give it to the school but then what would the school do with it if the gift is a single item for personal use? Have it as a gift in a lucky draw during teachers' day? So it also depends on what kind of gift it is. Can it be distributed to students? And how would the students be selected?

    Actually this does not happen in a school environment alone. I have heard of employees keeping gifts that suppliers give as reward to the companies without letting their boss know.

    1. well, that winning hamper consists of many edible items which could be shared.

  2. Do you think the other teacher will give your note to the teacher who received the gift? Maybe she does not dare to give your note to the teacher.

    1. Well, it's up to her. I have tried to help in this situation.

  3. At least shared with the other teacher, if not with the whole school.. :)

  4. I don't think this Teacher (B) dared to give the note to the other Teacher (A) who took the gift. But if I were that teacher who took the gift, I will quietly just share with this Teacher B, since they always come together. Takkan she (A) is not worried Teacher B will know about this? Then malu lor. But then again, maybe Teacher A plans to share with the school later leh?

    1. oh, teacher B knew about the gift earlier and she was even thinking that teacher A would definitely bring back the hamper to the school..

  5. Should pass to school since the school paid and entitled to the lucky draw and prize. Some people, really "tak tahu malu". Teacher some more. Where is the sharing spirit?? Sigh.

    1. yes, I feel that should be the right thing to do..

  6. Should pass the gift to the school as it's the school who paid for the ration...

  7. I think the teacher will not dare to pass the note to the other teacher...

  8. no idea what the prize is, could be for personal use only?? anyway, i guess if she has been using the school funds to purchase the items, she should not keep that for herself only but bring it back to school and let the principal decide what to do with that..

    1. The hamper is full of edible products which are suitable for the students.

  9. though she may thought she has been helping and deserves some award, i guess wouldn't it be better if she hand it to the principal and let the principal honours her with that prize?? that's even more a glamour and recognition right?? :)

    1. yes, that would be better. Otherwise, she's considered greedy..

  10. This is a very good question. I have the answers right away in business point of view. My present and previous bosses would give the gift to that teacher alone since she always did the trouble to take the rations for her school. She is a like your part time sales personnel who has supported you. If she doesn't like your shop, she can easily tell the school that other shops are selling cheaper and give ample excuses to find other shops after all she gets nothing from you. The other shops can offer her small commission or freebies anytime. It happens in KL all the time including my company.

    1. yes but let the school decide and it's courteous this way..
      true, greediness happens anywhere and I have more stories to tell..

  11. My bosses and ex bosses always buy hampers or expensive Xmas gifts to give the individual marketing staff of our customers' companies. They will treat their bosses to big makan and drinking sessions instead of giving gifts. That is the common pattern of big corporate businesses practice here.

    1. It's a good practice and it's the thought that counts..

  12. Answering to your questions, I would always give and share with others. That is my own nature and personal character, not right or wrong.

  13. I believe that judging from your own kind nature, you would have given this teacher many big or small gifts from time to time without even waiting for this lucky draw. So she should actually pass on to the school since I believe you have pampered her always. The world is full of greedy people la.

    1. yes, we indeed gave some small gifts from time to time..
      but this time was a big one..
      so I would definitely expect her to share with the school..

  14. From the point of personal ethics, I would pass the prize to the school and let the school decide what to do with it.

    If I were you, I won't intervene because your shop's part is done. It's between her and the school and the other teacher - if she wants to take action or whatever. But of course, you have your reasons.

    I think the teacher who took it home may also be facing some degree of internal conflict herself. Everyone is answerable to one's own actions, good or bad.

    Life is so challenging, eh?

    1. true, life is a challenge itself..
      but we should react to it appropriately..

  15. Agree with HappySurfer life is so challenging. You gave 4 choices Bananaz add one more and acting on behalf of that teacher.

    a. keep the gift to yourself? (contra petrol & overtime claim?)
    b. give the gift to the school? (principal may take it home?)
    c. share the gift with the other teacher? (she talks alot?)
    d. distribute to the students? (not enough to share?)
    e. where is the hamper? (in her car boot, still thinking what to do???)

    1. I knew the answer. The hamper is in her house..

  16. That was selfish of the lady to keep the gift to herself. I think she should share.

  17. Since buy for school should share . But I don'tthink the other teacher will dare rto give her that note la

    1. at least share with the other teacher would sound better..

  18. I would give the gift to the school or share the gift with the other teacher as what you wrote...cause I'll feel very guilty if I don't do so!!! =]

    1. I feel that should be the way..
      to share is better than to keep..

    2. Sigh, but there's a lot of different type of people in this world, which they don't know how to judge what's right or wrong!!! =[

    3. true, we just need to follow the right path..

  19. It's such a pity.

    But maybe she has her reasons why she kept the prizes.

    Like, because it's her who chose to shop at your shop?

    1. No, she is a new teacher. The other teacher is the one that chose our shop.

  20. Hmm.. My answer would be (b)....

    1. yes, it's proper to give back to the school..


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