Sunflower for her dad

Since our passports were almost near the due date, we went to renew them. With the new passports, we don't need to apply for visas to visit Japan.

So yesterday, my girl renewed her passport and on her way down from the UTC, she passed by the florist's stall. She simply bought a stalk of sunflower for only RM3.

I asked her why she bought the sunflower. She said she wanted to give to her dad. Oh, that's nice! So she was supposed to give to her dad on the same day when he came back for his bath. But she chicken out and she didn't give him.

Today I still encouraged her to give him but she told me that she was scared. In the evening, I called her to give his dad as he was on his way back home. She still hesitated. I told her that it would be fine as his mood was good then.

Later she came to fetch me back from work and I asked her if she had done it. She said yes. But she didn't say anything like, "Thank you dad for your love and full support."

She just said, "This is for you."
Her father replied, "No need la.."

Sunflower is just perfect for guys!


  1. That is so sweet of your daughter but why was she afraid to give it to her father?

  2. That is sweet of your girl. Very thoughtful.

    So everything ready for Japan?? Must see sakura there.

    1. still need to pay the balance..
      yes, I want to see the sakura.

  3. hahaha, so cute!! why was your girl scared to give his father flower?? hesitated for a few times and have to be encouraged by the mother before she finally did that?? haha.. and the father's response also kind of interesting, haha.. anyway, i do like sunflower too~~ :p

    1. he has his mood and so we need to find the right time..
      he's the kind of person who doesn't like this kind of appreciation but we want to make a difference.

  4. Your girl is very sweet and "yau sum" too.. Oh, no occasion, and just wana give the dad for his love & support? Hmm, I wonder why she didn't say wana buy the sunflower for mummy, keke.. Coz (in my opinion la), girls are always sticky to mum kua.. Hehe..

    1. oh, she has given me lots of things..
      it's time for her to give something to her dad.

  5. Replies
    1. maybe she used to receive negative comments last time.

  6. So sweet of your girl... and I am sure your husband feels sweeter though he didn't say it.. men are men.. hahahaa...

    1. just hope it brightens up his day each time he sees the flower..

  7. That is sweet of your girl :)

    RM3 a stalk is very cheap leh. here can go up to RM10/stalk

    1. yes, it's cheap. maybe due to less response for sunflower?

  8. Why was she so scared to give the flower to her own dad? He must have rotan her many times! Muahahahaha Just kidding.

    I never gave a flower to my dad and this made me ponder a while.

    1. his dad's loud words always made the impact on kids..
      yes, try giving a stalk of sunflower to your dad and see how he reacts..

  9. That's very thoughtful of your girl. But why she is scared to give flower to her dad ? Is her dad very strict type ? Some men are like that but still, I'm sure her dad is touched by her little gesture.

    1. yes, he's a strict person.
      just hope he feels touched..

  10. She should be excited not scared la! Silly girl ;)

    1. yea, since she came out with the idea, she should be brave..

  11. Good afternoon wenn!

    Wah, going to Japan soon?

    1. Sunflower is indeed a nice type of flower, I can see your blog background got sunflower too!

    2. Your girl is indeed a sweet daughter ;)

    3. yes, here I am coming soon, Japan!

  12. That's so sweet of your daughter. Glad that she finally gave it to her dad. No need to chicken out lah, it's a good deed what <3

  13. Wenn, your 'No need la..' cracked me up. That is so typical of guys, that's why they are from Mars. haha..

    But your girl is so sweet to even have thought of giving her dad a flower. Speaking of sunflower, on my last trip to Camerons in Dec, we stopped by a place with huge sunflowers and I mean HUGE. The flowers were as big as a man's face, maybe bigger too. And it was a lovely sight.

    1. He's that kind of man..
      wow, I would love to have a huge sunflower..

  14. That's so sweet lo!!! Can't imagine of what my dad react if I give him a flower, hehe!!!

  15. I love my dad too but i never thought of buy flowers for my dad so your girl is very considerate

    Sunflower is a beautiful flower

    I love flowers

    Going to japan soon wow!

    1. sunflower is more suitable for guys.
      yea, I will love Japan.


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