Breakfast at 7

Well, we were hungry. So after checking in the hotel, we quickly went for our lunch nearby at "Breakfast at 7".

the menu

my friend had the spicy chicken rice

her daughter had this nasi lemak

I had the kueh teow soup

my girl had this spicy chicken

My friend treated us for our lunch. Thank you my friend.


  1. You let your friend stay in the hotel room that you booked and she treated you to lunch. It is such a blessing to have good friends like you both.

  2. All the food you post always looks so good!

  3. haha, having lunch at "Breakfast @ 7"?? the nasi lemak looks so yummy..

    1. yes, the food looked good as we were very hungry..

  4. what a nice occasion

    Wishing YOU
    an Aloha-filled week, from Waikiki
    Comfort Spiral
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  5. the two girls were both having spicy chicken.. but your girl just had the chicken without rice??

  6. portion ooks very big wor. Become big breakfast jor hahaha

  7. *looks.

    How was the Keoy teow soup? Does not look like have much liu. Maybe it's under the soup gua.

  8. wah your girl really can tahan pedas leh. Eat the chicken without rice? If me asap will come out from my ears LOL

  9. Yes.. i agree with Small Cat.. early morning take nasi lemak, very geng! I will definitely go for your soup bowl of noodles! :)

  10. Looks quite ordinary, but nvm, since someone is paying :P

  11. I bet your friend and her daughter
    was a ricey person huh?
    i think ill love that spicy chicken too

    1. well, it's lunch time so rice is a necessity..

  12. the spicy chicken your friend had and that one your girl ordered were different types?
    I think your daughter has the better one

  13. anyway the name of that resto was kinda cool
    haha they came up a unique and clever name

  14. have a great day and happy blogging to you wenn,
    god bless you always and please do take the best of care

  15. I usually would opt for rice because I'm a rice person, but today your bowl of kueh teow soup managed to tempt me.

  16. Hi Wenn,

    Was it expensive to eat there? We have a restaurant "After 7" in Kuching. The service was bad but the food was nice.

    Have a nice day.

  17. Wenn you are so popular lah! Everywhere you have good friends from the North until South of the country!

  18. BREAKFAST AT 7 - What an unusual name for a restaurant. Will they change its name later to "LUNCH AT 1" ??? LOL

  19. I am a rice person like Yvonne.


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