
Yesterday I received some new items from Gardenia. One of them was the Squiggles. I don't usually like Squiggles but this tangy orange one looks good. 

I remember my kids used to love Squiggle very much..

a nice piece

it has orange filling

I ate it and I thought it's not bad after all.
The chocolate and the orange filling were yummy!

Another news: 

One of my cashier is resigning soon. She's staying far and has to travel every time to work since she got married last November. She has found a new job nearby her place. Good for her but bad for me. I have to get to work as early as 8.30am instead of my present time of 12pm.

Furthermore, she's my hamper wrapping assistant. Without her, I might be struggling. I hope she can come over to help me during the festive season especially the Chinese New Year.

All the best, Mei and thank you for being with us for almost 5 years.


  1. wenn i've seen some of those, and i loved the rocky road flavor
    me and my girl friend actually

  2. well that was indeed interesting as all new products are haha
    orange huh, can;t imagine how would it taste like

  3. anyway thats a sad news,
    goodbyes were always sad, well i'm sure
    she'll be fine and happy living a her maried life there

  4. well you better start training other staffs for that
    so when the occasion season comes
    your shop will be just ready

  5. have a great and god blessed day wenn
    take care always and happy blogging

  6. I remember i had that squiggles once. Not my liking, it's kind of sweet to me.

    1. But i always love twiggies, another Gardenia products

    2. The best is chocolate twiggies....

    3. This squiggles - last time i had strawberry flavor! So now got orange flavor. Can buy one for testing.

  7. With working life is like, people comes people goes. I'm sure you can find another good staff like Mei.

    1. You you advertise or asking around for new staff? Share at FB definitely can get a replacement.

    2. yes, we just advertised today..

  8. Wenn, you need a part time? I used to wrap Anakku's hamper when I was a promoter there.

  9. It has been years since I last had any squiggles. :D

  10. When I was reading your post, I thought I had eaten chocolate squiggles before but it does not look like that but after reading angeline's comments, what I thought was squiggles was actually chocolate twiggies. I like to eat the chocolate twiggies - like cake. My friend likes chocolate and orange flavours combination so I am going to reccommend this new squiggle to her for her to try. Thank you for highlighting this product (this should be from gardenia, hehehe).

  11. Ya, all the best to your ex-cashier Mei. May her new boss be as nice as you and your boss. If it is not for the long travelling distance, I am sure Mei would love to continue her job at your shop. It does make sense (time and money wise) however, to find a job closer to her new marital home. Is it possible for you to promote another staff to be your cashier and train the new cashier to help you wrap hamper for next chinese new year?

    1. I need a new cashier and I will train my people to help me in hamper wrapping..

  12. Now that you have to work early at your shop, will you be sleeping earlier? Better to get enough sleep since going to work early but I hope you will still find time and energy to blog daily since I like reading your daily posts. May you find a new cashier soon. Take care good wenn.

    1. yes, I will need to sleep earlier but I will still blog..

  13. The bread looks good..too bad there is no Gardenia at my place here.
    Hope you can get a new staff soon...

  14. i actually think orange and chocolate makes a perfect match, they complement each other.. but i have way long stopped buying Gardenia products, hahahaha, you know why~~ :D

  15. oh all the best to Mei, i still remember you went to her wedding last year.. hmmm, maybe it's time for you to find a replacement for you, so that you won't be too tied up with chores of the shop.. :)

  16. Good workers are hard to come by too.. hope you can find one to replace soon!

  17. Haven't try the new Squiggles, think I am going to like it too since it looks so creamy!

    Well, all the best to your staff Mei (Seems like I'm calling myself, haha xD)

  18. Such a good helper, do you think you can do anything to retain her?

    1. Best of luck to her. By the way, I have cut down having Gardenia, I am now supporting Massimo.

    2. she has already found a new job..

  19. surprisingly sabah sarawak that side doesnt have this.

    1. thats why whn i went sabah the other day she was very happy when i bring over gardenia bread, twiqqies and related products

    2. coz tak biasa eat....usually eat very "tradisional" thingy like bihun or nasi lemak or CCF for breakfast

  20. Travelling may be to tiresome and not cost effective for her to stay on, otherwise I bet she wants to stay on.

    All the best to her.

  21. I love this bread and the new flavour has caught my eyes!

  22. I learnt a good lesson from my recent trip to China. With the bird flu scare and unnatural dead pigs being sold in Shanghai, I had to be extremely careful with the meat I ate. I only brought along Bak Kua and meat floss from KL. I regretted for not bringing cup noodles and this bread!!! I was damn hungry when we traveled long distance on the bus to remote towns.

  23. Hire me next CNY to wrap hampers!!!!!


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