1Malaysia Contest

Last year Chang Jiang had Merdeka Day Contest whereby participants were needed to create the "MERDEKA" word with wrappers of items that they bought from our shop. It was a tough competition.

This year, I want to make it easier in the sense that creativity is not necessary. All participants are just needed to post a picture of themselves with their friends of other races.

Since it's Merdeka Day, I suppose 1Malaysia concept would be appropriate.

So here's the post at Chang Jiang:

1Malaysia Contest:

Have you got a good friend of other race? Show us your picture with him/her. Tell us a little story about your relationship.

All participants will receive a voucher from Chang Jiang.

Closing date: 30th August 2013

 I hope there will be more participants this time. It's a very easy contest. Just post a suitable picture and you are already entitled to receive a voucher from Chang Jiang. But I won't reveal the amount yet. It will depend on the outcome.

Let's get started! Everyone is welcome to participate.  I hope Chang Jiang will reach its 1K likes soon..And who will be the lucky 1K person to like Chang Jiang. I had given a gift for the 100th and also the 500th person who had liked the page.



  1. Another contest? Wow! Ok, will try to read in details and try my luck is time permits!

    1. Opps, typo, is = if.

      By the way, I think you maintain Chang Jiang's FB page very well!

    2. thanks..just join in for the fun of it..

  2. Hello Wenn,

    You really came up with a great idea for this contest. I am sure many people will take part in it.

    Good night. Sweet dreams!

    1. just to create awareness..
      hope more people would participate..

  3. Good idea for merdeka day contest. Promote unity :)

  4. All the best ya! :)


  5. Hi Wenn,

    Great idea for a Merdeka contest that promotes unity..too bad I'm not entitled haha..but my husband is really a 1Malaysia fella..lol.

    1. everyone is entitled..come and join in the fun..

  6. Interesting Wenn... see if I can get one nice one... :)

  7. Wow. An interesting contest. Can I join?

  8. Replies
    1. just like Chang Jiang page and then post the photo..

  9. Replies
    1. yes, it's just around the corner..
      31 August..

  10. Good morning Wenn.
    Wow another contest from Chang Jiang Enterprise.

  11. Wenn, you're creative and take the initiative to promote Chang Jiang Enterprise. Keep it up the good work!

  12. More participants the merrier will be! Wish all of them best of luck.

  13. Yeah it is very appropriate with this contest in conjuction with National Day and Malaysia Day.

    1. yes, 1Malaysia is very appropriate in conjunction with our Merdeka Day..

  14. Guess previous month contest of creating a craftwork for Raya is much more difficult right? Cos not many participants or I should say not many interested to take part too. Never mind as long as you try to achieve the best for your boss and Chang Jiang Enterprise. Give yourself a big clap,Wenn; for organizing such event. Is not an easy task actually.

    1. yes, I knew that as I made it tough..
      thanks, but it's not a difficult task to organise though..
      just need to think of an idea..

  15. I think this time by taking photo with our friends of other races, seems to be an easy one. If time permits, I shall join again! Will see how.

    1. yes, do join in and do spread the word to your colleagues if possible..
      thanks for your support..

    2. I am sure Angeline would win again. Your factory has so many races including Japanese working together. That would be nice to gang up.

  16. It's a beautiful day today!
    Have a wonderful day, my dear blogger friends!

  17. This is an interesting contest and hope many people would participate.

  18. that's a very great contest indeed, and it values
    the diversity we all have, and that makes this better
    good job wenn

  19. i'm looking forward to see
    the participants for that contest,
    and what races will be with them

  20. but anyway what does merdeka means?

  21. too bad i can no longer be the 1000th liker
    coz i've liked it already haha

    1. well, why not join in the fun even though you are not Malaysian..
      you are always welcome..

  22. have a great day and happy blogging wenn
    take the best of care and god bless you

  23. I got to know this contest via your FB. I love this contest, and I will sure support you again this time. Please watch out for my picture, Ahem!


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